Privacy polities

Collection of the personal information

We collect the following information:

The personal information which we collect is collected(taken in) through forms and thanks to the interactivity established between you and our Web site. We also use, as indicated in the following section, the files witnesses(batons) and/or newspapers to gather(combine) information concerning you.

Forms and interactivity

Your personal information is collected by means of form, worth knowing :

We use the information so collected for the following purposes : Your information is also collected by means of the interactivity which can become established between you and our Web site and it is true in the following way: We use the information so collected for the following purposes:

Right of opposition and retreat

We make a commitment to offer you a right of opposition and retreat as for your personal information. The right of opposition gets on as being the possiblité offered to the Internet users to refuse that their personal information is used in certain purposes mentioned during the collection. The right of retreat gets on as being the possiblité offered to the Internet users to ask their personal information not to represent anymore, for example, in a mailing list. To be able to exercise these rights, you can:

Right of access

We make a commitment to recognize a right of access and rectification to the concerned people avid to consult, to modify, even to cross off the information concerning them. The exercise of this right will be made:


The personal information which we collect is kept in a secure environment. The people working for us have to respect the confidentiality of your information. To assurez the security of your personal information, we resort to the following measures:

We make a commitment to maintain a high degree of confidentiality by integrating the last technological innovations allowing to assure the confidentiality of your transactions. However, as no mechanism offers a maximal security, a part of risk is always present when we use Internet to pass on personal information.


We make a commitment to respect the legal measures expressed in: LAW N 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004 relative to the protection of the physical persons towards the personal data processings and modifying the law N 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the computing, to the files and to the liberties ( 1 ).